No alterations or changes for classified advertisements after it has been published
All advertisements will be checked and verified (illegal content will be refused to be published) by the company before being issued & published.
The company reserves the right to revise any content or change the classifications of advertisements.
If customer does not indicate the advertisement's categories, the company will assign an appropriate category.
Payment must be received before the advertisements are issued and published and is not refundable if cancellation is made after the booking.
The company takes no responsibility for either party's (the advertiser and the reader) loss or legal liability of any transactions.
Claims for re-publications due to mistakes on our behalf must be made within TWO DAYS after the mistake has been published. Refunds are not applicable.
The company reserves rights to revise the Terms & Conditions without further notice.
Customers must read and accept the above terms and conditions before advertisements are issued and published.